
The following is an example of a usecase rule to send an alert when withdrawal fee of a liquidity pool is above 50%:

function process({ judger, event, utils, dataSource }) {
  const func = judger.getCallFunction();
  if (func === "setWithdrawalFee") {
    const fee = judger.getCallParameter("_newWithdrawalFee");
    return {
      isAlert: fee > 50,
      message: `WithdrawalFee is set to ${fee}. ${JSON.stringify(event)}`


The input is a destructured object with following keys:


The judger module contains a function that is specifically designed to retrieve details of an event. The function can vary depending on the type of event as defined in the target configuration.

See for more information.


The judger module contains a function that is specifically designed to retrieve details of an event. The function can vary depending on the type of event.

See for more information.


The utils module from ethers.js provides a collection of utility functions that offer common functionality and helper methods for working with Ethereum and blockchain-related tasks.

dataSource (in development)

A data source is an external information not present in current events, but is useful in determining whether the event should be alerted or not.

Only data sources explicitly chosen to be injected in the usecase rule can be called.

Each data source has different specification.

See for more information.


The input is an object with following keys:


boolean Should be true if the event should be alerted. false otherwise.

Default: false


string The message that will return as a result message when simulation judger.

Default: ""

Last updated