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A usecase is a definition of how to procee Radar Events into alerts. A creator or research would define the type of Radar Events to be processed, the rule to process the data, and how to display useful information if the event should be alerted.
Generally, a usecase should include following information:
Name: A name to be displayed as alert
Description: A short description to describe the alert
Event type: Type of events to trigger this usecase. Read more in Defining a rule
Impact: Describe in detail how the alert affect the user
Response: Provide a general guide on how to respond when the alert happens
Rule: Define a rule of how to process by receiving Radar Event as the input and whether the Event should be alerted or not as the output See more
Usecases can be used to alert different types of information.
In order to inform user properly, there are two types of alert: Incident and Case.
An alert that indicates a negative alert. It is divided in two levels: Danger and Warning.
Danger incident signifies that the alert is critical and need immediate response
Warning incident signifies that the user should investigate the alert accordingly
An alert that indicates a neutral alert that does not have negative connotations. It is divided in two levels: Major and Minor.
Major case signifies that the alert is significant and rarely occurs
Minor case signifies that the alert is of no importance and serves as generic information
For flexibility of writing impact and incident, which usually requires detailed explanation, Markdown syntax is available to write the content.
Supported markdown syntax includes # ## ### #### #### *bold* _italic_ [link](
We currently allow writing a flexible and customizable rule using Javascript.
The structure of the rule is as follows:
Here's an example of code running for usecase to track a transfer of certain NFT token:
Judger (event-specific methods), Utility functions and Data sources are available to use in the rule.
Read more about available inputs and outputs formatting in API Documentation