
Inspex Lighthouse is powered by Inspex Radar, the intelligence engine that detects events and provide information to determine whether it should be alerted or not.

In order to leverage the full potential of Inspex Lighthouse, we would like to introduce the main concept of how things work first.

Inspex Radar will detect information from data sources which can be on-chain, off-chain, or proprietary data that the Inspex research team has discovered. Since there are a lot of information from several data sources, creator can define Watchers to specify the data source they are interested in getting alerts from. For each watcher, creators can also specify the subset of information for each watcher as Targets for more fine-grained source. For example, you might be interested in how a wallet address transfers their X token. In this case, you could choose an Account Watcher and specify Token Targets inside that watcher. Watchers will be run on Sentinels, which is an engine that will do the data monitoring.

When a Sentinel detects something, it sent the detected information as Events, which will be sent to the Radar Judger to determine whether it should be alerted or not. Creators will define Usecases to define the rule of how to classify the events, as well as additional information that will be useful to the end users. When running usecase on the judger and the results show that they should be alerted, Alerts will be created.

Alerts will be distributed to Inspex Lighthouse for the full detail, and Inspex Beacon to notify the users through notification channels like Discord, Telegram, and Email.

The usual workflow to set up a project to be ready for monitoring is as follows:

For a quickstart, follow this step-by-step walkthrough (coming soon) of how to create a ready project.

The following documentation will deep dive into each element of the concept.

Last updated